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How to maintain the slitter blade after purchase?

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2021/10/26     Viewed:    

  Mechanical equipment shall be maintained after being used for a period of time. After purchasing the slitter blade, the normal rules for using mechanical equipment under normal use shall also be followed. How to maintain this equipment when using it? In fact, this is similar to the maintenance of other equipment, and there are similarities in most aspects. Just because some equipment may be CNC, involving programs and software, maintenance and repair will be more professional.
  After the slitter blade is used for production, it shall be arranged according to the previous work plan. After a certain time, the machine shall be arranged for maintenance. At this time, production can be stopped, other work can also be carried out, or workers can be given some rest time directly. Ask the mechanic to repair the equipment and see if all parts of the equipment, especially some parts that are easy to wear, need to be replaced. Whether the lubrication of equipment, power system and power circuit system can operate normally.
  How to maintain the slitter blade after purchase?
  After the overhaul, the machine repair work can be temporarily withdrawn. At this time, professional software and program maintenance personnel can check the microcomputer system to see whether it is necessary to upgrade relevant equipment, whether there are loopholes in the software program being used, or whether there are contents inconsistent with the actual production situation. After the inspection of these professionals, the normal operation of the computer operating system is guaranteed, and then the maintenance of the slitter blade can be completed.

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