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The edge of the shear blade may be worn and broken. Why

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] Mobile page qrcode 2021/10/26     Viewed:    

  The blade may be damaged in a short time when the customer uses the blade of the plate shear. For customers in this situation, the loss is not only the silver flower ticket, but also the profit loss caused by cutting materials. So, how can you reduce the loss to a greater extent?
  One is to listen to the noise emitted by the blade of the plate shear during operation. If a different sound is made during operation, it indicates that the blade of the plate shear is abnormal. The reasons are as follows:
  1. The blade of the shearing machine is not lubricated enough, i.e. not enough oil is added.
  2. The edge of the shear blade may be worn and broken.
  3. The blade of the plate shear is loose.
  The operator can check according to the above points and then carry out maintenance.
  Secondly, don't just increase the cutting pressure of the shear blade, which will not only improve the production efficiency, but also increase the cutting pressure of the cutter blade. The ordinary shear blade will break, blunt and become more serious in a short time due to high pressure, and the blade will bend or even report for scrap.
  Therefore, in order to increase the service life and better cutting state of the blade of the plate shear, maintain a balanced cutting pressure, and make the cut products have high quality assurance, which is also a better method to prolong the service life of the blade.

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