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What are the heat treatment methods of slitting machine blades? KeYue machinery will answer them

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 Heat treatment method of slitter blade:
  1. Homogeneous annealing
  Referred to as homogenization treatment, it uses heating at high temperature for a long time to fully diffuse the internal chemical components, so it is also called diffusion annealing. The heating temperature will vary depending on the type of steel. Large ingots are usually homogenized between 1200 ℃ and 1300 ℃, high carbon steel between 1100 ℃ and 1200 ℃, and general forged or rolled steel between 1000 ℃ and 1200 ℃.
  2. Annealing treatment
  Annealing treatment is to heat hypoeutectoid steel to the temperature range of 30-50 ℃ above AC3 temperature and hypereutectoid steel to about 50 ℃ above AC1 temperature. The mechanical blade is maintained at this temperature for enough time to make it become a single-phase structure of worsted body or a mixed structure of worsted body and snow bright carbon body. After furnace cooling, the steel is softened to obtain the ideal ductility and fine grain structure of the steel.
  3. Spheroidizing annealing
  The main purpose of spheroidizing annealing is to agglomerate the layered or network carbides in steel materials into spheres by heat treatment, so as to improve the cutting properties and processing plasticity of steel, especially for high-carbon tool steel.
  4. Softening annealing
  The heat treatment procedure of softening annealing heat treatment is to heat the workpiece to the range of 600 ℃ to 650 ℃ and maintain air cooling after a period of time. Its main purpose is to soften the work hardened workpiece again and restore the original toughness, so that it can be further processed.
  5. Relaxation annealing
  The main purpose of relaxation annealing heat treatment is to remove the residual stress generated by forging, casting, machining or welding. This residual stress often leads to the reduction of workpiece strength and durable deformation, and has an adverse impact on material toughness and ductility. Therefore, relaxation annealing heat treatment is very important for workpieces with strict dimensional longitude requirements and mechanical components with safety concerns.
  6. Normalization processing
  Normalization heat treatment has two important functions: one is to refine the crystal particles of the workpiece and improve the mechanical properties of the material; Another purpose is to adjust the size or distribution of carbides in rolling or casting structure, so that carbides can be easily dissolved in the material during subsequent heat treatment, so as to improve the machinability of the material and homogenize the material.
  7. Quenching treatment
  The main purpose of quenching treatment is to rapidly cool the steel in order to obtain the Martian bulk structure with high hardness.
  8. Tempering treatment
  Generally, tempering treatment is often carried out after quenching treatment in order to eliminate the adverse effects of quenching treatment and retain and give full play to the effect of quenching. Its main purpose is to make the microstructure metamorphosis or precipitation generated by quenching more, reduce residual stress and improve relevant mechanical properties.

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