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KeYue machinery teaches you how to prolong the service life of cutting tools

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] QR Code 2021/10/26     Viewed:    

 1. Properly control cutting force and cutting speed

  Properly controlling the cutting force and cutting speed of the tool is also one of the effective means to reduce the temperature of the machining area and prolong the service life of the cutting fluid. When machining difficult machining materials, the tool edge after fine grinding is generally used, and the cutting depth and cutting width should not be too large. When selecting cutting linear speed, it should be considered according to different material types, part structures, processing equipment and other factors. Generally, if the processing material is nickel base alloy, the linear speed shall be controlled at 20 to 50 meters per minute; The processing material is titanium alloy, and the linear speed shall be controlled at 30 to 110 meters per minute; The processing material is pH stainless steel, and the linear speed shall be controlled within the range of 50 to 120 meters per minute.

  2. Choose a reasonable cutting method

  For difficult to machine materials, different cutting methods have great differences in the damage of cutting fluid. No matter which cutting method is selected, the principle is the same, that is to reduce the cutting force and the temperature of the cutting area as much as possible. The cycloid cutting method can greatly reduce the cutting area and make the actual cutting envelope angle of the cutting fluid smaller, so as to prolong the heat dissipation time of each tooth of the tool and reduce the cutting temperature; The spiral interpolation method can make the cutting amount of each tooth relatively uniform, avoid the cutting force concentrating on a few teeth and accelerate the wear, and this effect is more obvious at the corner; The large feed cutting method can effectively reduce the cutting force with smaller cutting depth and larger feed, resulting in less cutting heat and lower temperature in the machining area.

  3. Ensure timely and effective chip breaking

  In metal processing, a large amount of cutting heat is generally generated on the chip. If the chip length can be controlled to ensure timely and effective chip breaking, this part of cutting heat can be taken away by the chip. Therefore, chip breaking is an effective way to control the cutting temperature. When machining difficult materials, in the rough machining process, on the premise that the rigidity of the machining system allows, try to make them produce chip breaking in the whole machining process. At the same time, the cutting fluid with good sedimentation performance shall be used to discharge the cutting chips, and the cutting chips shall not rub with the surface of the machined workpiece. When mixed with water, a stable transparent solution can be formed. This product has good sedimentation, lubricity, rust prevention, cooling and cleaning. It has strong anti microbial decomposition ability, can still maintain its stability under different water hardness conditions, and its service life is more than 5 times that of ordinary emulsified oil.

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